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Callings of Ramazan

The Holy Month of Ramzan is approaching fast and the Muslim world is readying itself to welcome the auspicious occasion. This month holds more significance than other months for the Muslim as all the good deeds like prayers, recitation of Quran, fasting, Recitation of Daroor-e-sharif, donating Zakat etc. carries 70 times more rewards from Allah Subhnahu Tala. Al Aman Educational and welfare trust undertakes number of charitable services during the month of Ramzan, To fulfill its obligation; for example special food and clothes are given arranged to  the inmates of old age home and the students studying in Trust’s  school (for the visually challenged and hearing impaired),  besides the regular charitable services like  Sehari and Iftaar provisions delivery to the poor and  needy, these services has been going on since the establishment of the Al Amaan Educational and charitable trust.

Hundred and thousands of Poor and needy Muslims across the world fulfill their financial obligations during this holy month,  for millions of Muslims it’s a resourceful month in which they buy the essentials that are to last  till the next Ramzan. Al Aman Educational and charitable trust maintain a list of zakat beneficiaries who receive zakat and other provisions during the month of Ramzan.

In Islam, charity, or “sadaqah,” holds extreme importance and carries numerous benefits, both spiritual and practical, for individuals and society as a whole.  Al Amaan Educational and Charitable Trust appeal to Muslims to avail this golden opportunity and send their zakat or Sadka amount to the rust office through Bank transfer, Mobile Payment or any other mode of fund transfer.

Here are some of the key benefits of Zakat donation, Zakath is one of file pillars of Islam.

  1. Spiritual Rewards

Zakath is one of five pillars of Islam. Giving charity is considered one of the most virtuous deeds in Islam, earning immense spiritual rewards. It is seen as a way to purify one’s wealth and soul, Prophet SAS said ‘Zakath purifies your wealth and safeguards it’. Zakat draws believers closer to Allah ST and ensures spiritual well-being. Though 2.5 percent of Zakat amount is mandatory upon every Muslim whose  assets   remain with him/her  for a year, many  Muslims go beyond the mandatory obligation and spend more on zakat, as a way to please Allah ST for bestowing them with abundance. Zakat is said to be the single largest charity (in the World) mandated by Islam upon Muslims, it runs into billions of dollars. Al Amaan Educational and Welfare Trust is Trusted entity to fulfill your zakat and sadqua obligations.


  1. Fulfilling Religious obligations

 Zkat giving is obligatory in Islam and is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Paying zakat, a mandatory form of charity, is required of financially capable Muslims, ensuring the welfare of the less fortunate in society. Al Amaan Educational and Welfare Trust will distribute your Zakat in the form of Cash and kind to the deserving Muslims.


  1. Social Cohesion and Empathy

Charity promotes compassion, empathy, and solidarity among community members. It fosters a sense of responsibility towards helping those in need, strengthening social bonds and cohesion. Zakat ensures equality and brotherhood among the community.


  1. Blessings and Barakah

Muslims believe that giving charity brings blessings and barakah (divine abundance) into their lives. It is believed to increase prosperity and multiply one’s wealth. Al Amaan Educational and Welfare Trust  call upon all Musims to come forward to help their community members who are in dire need of their financial help.


  1. Supporting the Needy

Charity addresses the needs of the less fortunate, providing them with essential resources such as food, shelter, healthcare, and education. It helps alleviate poverty, reduces suffering, and improve the quality of life for vulnerable individuals and communities. According to Hadeeth Supporting needy is superior to observing ithikaaf during the month of Ramzan. The Office bearers of Al Amaan Educational and Charitable Trust, pray that ‘May Allah Subhanahu Taala Bless the Msulim Umma with His Abundance – AMEEN

Dear Bothers and Sisters your donation could turn poor Muslim students into IAS officers, executives, entrepreneurs, businessmen and future donors and Zakat givers.

Donate Generously.

May ALLAH ST bless his bounties upon you, your families and well wishers, AAMEEN.

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