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Education – The Key to faster economic and social development

There is a adage ‘ Feed a man with fish, you feed him for one time, teach a man to fish you feed him for a life time’ Education is  not only a lifeline of person in modern era,  it’s a powerful  weapon which can be used to defend ones rights and claim privileges enshrined in the  constitution and international human rights charters.

 Ignorance and illiteracy are rampant among the Muslims in India that has pushed them decades back compared to  other backward communities (please refer Sachar committee report) .Education support in the form of scholarships from the central and state governments is hardly enough to meet the financial obligations of the Muslim students. Many students had to abandon their education particularly after their intermediate classes. It’s distressing to see the  young Muslim boys are seen working in mobiles repairing shops, auto mechanics shops,  courier companies etc.,  while they are suppose to be government officials  or  working for multinational companies, with regard to girls they are married off as soon as they complete their intermediate studies. Parents hardly realize that it’s the girl who shoulders the responsibility of educating her children. The Muslim society needs guidance and counselling centres all over India to guide the parents and students about the importance of education for career advancement and personal defense.

 Alamaan education and welfare trust is forefront in providing education support to Muslim boys and girls in the form of scholarships,  and free coaching classes. The Trust has been conducting many short term, free job oriented courses for the poor Muslim students, thanks to the donations, sadquas and zakats received from the Philanthropists. There has been very good response for these short term job oriented courses ever since they have been started. The sole aim of these skills imparting centers is to make  young Muslim boys and girls employable in skilled job market. Alhamdulillah this initiative has benefited scores of Muslim boys and girls  to find suitable placement. Al Amaan education and welfare trust is planning to add more courses and skills in future.

 Despite widespread illiteracy and  economic backwardness  the Muslim society is yet to  realized the potential benefits of education, though Islam Advocates  ‘ seeking education is obligatory on the part of every Muslim  men and women’ unfortunately many Muslims misinterpret education for deeniyat studies, we are not averse to the idea of deeniyat studies for the Muslim boys and girls, we are of the view that  these boys and girls are to be provided with some kind of job-oriented training along with deeniyat studies  to enable them to find a suitable jobs to support their families. 

 The future would be  challenging for  Hafiz’s and Aalims, becauses there are very few avenues where they can find jobs, they need to be trained in vocational trades to enable  them to find suitable jobs or become entrepreneur. Al Amaan education and welfare trust is planning to provide skills training to Madrasa students too in coming years.

Dear Bothers and Sisters your donation could turn poor Muslim students into IAS officers, executives, entrepreneurs, businessmen and future donors and Zakat givers.

Donate Generously.

May ALLAH ST bless his bounties upon you, your families and well wishers, AAMEEN.

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