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Important factors that influence social, and economic transformation of the Muslim Community

Enrollment in higher education

The dawn of 21st century has witnessed a great awakening among Muslim community, a large number of Muslim students are getting admitted in higher education and professional courses, the irony is  Compared to boys  more  girls are taking to higher education even in north India, thanks to the mass awareness and counselling offered by NGOs, and other social organizations.

Employability skills training

Around 90 percent Muslims students who graduate from humanities, engineering and other disciplines are rendered jobless as they lack employability skills including English skills, either  their resumes end up in trash or they are rejected at the screening interview itself.

Domestic and International Employers prefer candidates with soft skills along with domain skills, employers are least bothered about  ranks grades and academic achievements, in fact candidates with low academic achievements have great chances of getting hired if they are good at soft skills and communication skills. For example around 25 percent of Google’s employees consist of non-graduates (with relevant skills)

Many colleges and institutions of higher education have included soft skills as part of their curriculum, but they fail to provide workplace-related experience, this results in rejection of large number of students at the interview. The students of arts and science colleges are so poor that even they fail to utter one or two simple English sentences.

NGOs and Social organizations should start finishing schools for fresh graduates and train them in Employability skills, social skills, Communication skills etc. This will go a long way to bridge the gap between industry and academic institutions. This initiative will empower thousands of graduates to seek decent employment at corporate houses.

Skilled workers training

A large chunk of Muslim youth (boys and girls) who couldn’t offer higher education are left high and dry, in fact their numbers are nearly double compared to those who could offer higher education. Muslim Entrepreneur, industrialists, technocrats, scientists and philanthropists should establish training centers to  provide skilled, and semi-skilled  training to the Muslim youth who couldn’t pursue higher education due to economic reasons. There is a huge demand for skilled workers in India and abroad, particularly in Europe and Canada. Skilled workers in health sector have vast openings throughout the world.

Al Amaan Education and welfare Trust has started certified skill empowerment courses for Muslim boys and girls at Bangalore. Alhamdulillah hundreds of students are being trained. We appeal to Muslim organizations across India to open skill and semi-skill developments centers for the community youth.

Madrasa modernization initiative

It’s heartening to note that many madrasas in India have started to offer academic education to their students to make them employable after their Hifz or Aalim courses. Madrasas should also thnk of providing skilled and semi-skilled courses in various trades for their students, so that their scope of employment opportunity can be widened further.

Dear Bothers and Sisters your donation could turn poor Muslim students into IAS officers, executives, entrepreneurs, businessmen and future donors and Zakat givers.

Donate Generously.

May ALLAH ST bless his bounties upon you, your families and well wishers, AAMEEN.

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