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Ramzan – The month of abundant Blessings

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said: “Ramadan is an honourable and blessed month, and the rewards for generosity are multiplied in it.”


Health benefit of Fasting according to a Nobel Laureate

Before dwelling upon countless blessings of the Holy month of Ramzan let  me tell  you the enormous health benefits of fasting. Yoshinori Ohsum,  a Japanese scientist who won the Nobel prize in Medicine in 2016 for his works on Autophagy says that Fasting activates autophagy, which helps slow down the aging process and has a positive impact on cell renewal (New cell formation), he further states that  the longer fasting kills cancerous cells in human body and saves the fasting person from the dreaded and dangerous disease like cancer, so fasting is the greatest blessing upon the mankind by the Merciful Allah Subhnahu Tala.


Role of Zakat in social and economic advancement of the community

Zakat the mandatory charity upon every Muslim man and woman is not only beneficiate the donor and receiver it has a great impact  on the economic and social advancement of the entire Muslim community, It serves as fodder for the soul and also helps attain salvation. Mankind has been transforming over the years in relation to  technology, education medicine and so on, this trend advocates that charity needs to be invested not only for providing food, clothing and shelter to the less fortunate but also on social and economic sectors like education and skills training. Alhamdulillah today people are getting enough food thanks to the  public distribution system and other  charitable organizations,  however hardly handful of organizations come forward to provide education and skills development training to the youth of Muslim community.  Alamaan Eduction and welfare trust is forefront in not only  providing food and shelter to senior citizens and orphans but also provides scholarship to scores of Muslim students every year to pursue secondary and higher education. We are glad that many Muslims girls are availing education scholarships at Al amaan Educaton and welfare trust .


Allah ST multiplies rewards during Ramzan

The Holy month of Ramzan provides a great opportunity for the donors of Zakat and Charity as their good deed will be rewarded 70 times more compared to the other months. Even a charity of 100 Rupees will be counted as 7000 rupees (70 times more) on the day of judgement. There are many good Samaritans who go beyond mandatory Zakat and charity and are ready to donate huge sum of money  to the less fortunate, not only during the holy  month of Ramzan but throughout the year (May Allah Subhanahu Taala Bless them with His boundless bounties). Al Amaan Education and Welfare trust has been providing  Sheri and Iftar provision to  the needy Muslims.


Why do education and skill development sector deserve more zakat aid?

There is a Chinese  proverb that says ‘Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime’. We strongly believe that economic and  social development dream of the Muslims can’t be realized without making substantial investment in education and skills development sectors, Al Amaan education and welfare trust gives major thrust to education funding by granting scholarships to hundreds  of poor Muslilm students to pursue their education at schools and colleges.


Zakat is one of five pillar of Islam and in economic terms it’s also a very strong pillar of  economic and social infrastructure of Muslim community. Al amaan Educational and welfare trust Appeals to the Muslim brothers and sister to donate  their Zakath and Charity generously to Alamman Educaton and Welfarfe Tust to transform the community into a vibrant one.

Dear Bothers and Sisters your donation could turn poor Muslim students into IAS officers, executives, entrepreneurs, businessmen and future donors and Zakat givers.

Donate Generously.

May ALLAH ST bless his bounties upon you, your families and well wishers, AAMEEN.

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